American Made Products

IH Risers
A flexible PVC riser that is pre-assembled with (2) ½" MIPT male adapters. It gives when kicked or stepped on unlike a traditional riser. It is ideal for slopes, medians and high traffic areas. Its the "unbreakable" riser.
The material cost alone are less pre-assembled than when purchased separately in parts. Pre-assembly also reduces installation costs by up to 50%!
Also comes pre-assembled with the option of a GPST ½" thread x diffuser cap emitter which makes for the most rugged drip irrigation install in the industry.
Click here for product demo.
Pre-assembled with two black ½" MIPT UVR male adapters.
Color options of Black or Brown.
On-grade or below-grade installation.
Accepts any ½" FIPT emitter.
Operating Pressure 60psi @ 73 degrees F, (Flexible PVC is not recommended for no flow situations)
Common Riser Lengths Available: 6", 8",12",18", 24", 36", 48", custom lengths are available, please contact us for more info.
Part Numbers
Dwg Details
Below-Grade IH Riser
Pdf Details

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