American Made Products
StreamFlow Bubblers

(Flush Valve Indicator Head Pressure Regulated)
This product combines the function of a drip flush valve with a colored nozzle (orange or purple) to give maintenance persons a visual indication of the drip system coverage areas. The flush nozzle popping up will also allow for the maintenance persons to quickly locate the flush valves instead of searching in dense ground covers for boxes below grade. Simply push down the top button to manually flush while the system is running.
Also, given the simplicity of the installation and cost of the components, this will be a much less expensive flush valve then currently used on most commercial projects. The nozzle is pre-assembled on the sprinkler head body as one assembly and for easy installation while having the pressure regulator built in. Available in a 4", 6" and 12" popup.
30 PSI "Super Max" Pressure Regulation
12" Pop up for easy visibility
Massive flow path design for trouble free pressure regulation allowing contaminants to pass freely through the Flush Valve.
Tapered design for self-cleaning operation.
Positive seal even in dirty water environment
Unique dual pressure-activated stem seal eliminates stick-ups, blow by and cap to body leaks.
Vacuumed-arc stainless steel spring provides positive retraction even in the harshest environments
Enhanced debris resistance through expanded surface area
Part Numbers

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